Student Handout

VNETS Website (Moodle)


Website Address:

User name: First name, Last Name – e.g. (Jane Smith = jane.smith)

Password = changeme

Navigating the website

Once logged in, students should see a list of their classes on the front page.  They can click on each class to access information about the class.

Screenshot of home page when logged in

All classes are set up with links to the Zoom meeting for the class and to the recordings for previous sessions.

Screenshot of icons found on class page.

The class link will prompt them to open Zoom or open in a browser for connecting to the class if needed.

The Recordings icon will open a page with a list of classes that they can access recordings for.  If they are only in one class, then it should just open to a list of recordings.  If there are multiple classes listed, just click on the class identified to load those recordings.

Screenshot of Recording Options

Screenshot of recordings

Technical Support

Help is available by emailing [email protected].  The helpdesk is often monitored over the weekend and during the evening but support will be faster during regular business hours.